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3 Steps You Can Take to Upgrade the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioning

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Upgrading your window air conditioning to a whole house option was your first step to a comfortable and climate controlled environment. The problem with most traditional whole house units is that some rooms may have a different temperature or you may have people in the home who are always hotter or colder than someone else.

If you want to solve these issues and give everyone in the home the climate control they need, consider the three steps you can take to upgrade the efficiency of your air conditioning.

Get an App Kit

There are several apps that allow you to control your air conditioner throughout the home. The basic kits contain a remote base for one room that connects to an app on your smartphone. Through the app, you can set up timers, different temperatures throughout the day, or different temperatures in the room.

If you want a more advanced option, larger kits will allow you to put remote bases in each room and each person in the home can use the app to adjust their personal area.

Find Off-peak Hours

One way to upgrade your air conditioners efficiency is to find out your energy company's off-peak hours. Off-peak hours are the hours that energy costs are lower, usually occurring overnight or very early morning. This may not sound like it would make a difference, but it can make a huge difference on your monthly bill. By finding out the off-peak hours, you can adjust your household schedule so that your higher energy appliances will be used during these time slots.

Vent Heat Differently

One of the things that can affect the efficiency of your air conditioner is having heated items venting near the ventilation ducts. This refers to things like your clothes dryer, heated cycles of your dishwasher, or steam in bathrooms. Make sure that ventilation for these items is geared to work with, instead of against, your air conditioner unit.

For example, install and use an exhaust fan during a hot shower to move the steam out of the room and move the heat away from the air conditioner vent. This prevents the heat from changing the temperature and triggering your system to work harder to cut back on the new rise in temperature.

In addition to these three upgrades and changes, you should also consider setting up a reminder to change and check filters and ventilation systems. If you use a smartphone, put it in your online calendar and send a reminder to yourself. For more tips or ways to upgrade your efficiency, contact your air conditioning or HVAC professionals.  
