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2 Important Tips for Choosing Custom Curtains

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Custom curtains can add style and elegance to any room, and they can also be the only choice you have when it comes to oddly-shaped windows or for when you want a certain look for curtains that you cannot find in a store. Because custom curtains are often nonreturnable, meaning that once they're made you need to simply accept them even if you're not happy with them, it's important that you take your time to decide on a style and ensure that they fit your windows properly. Note a few tips.

1. Choose the fabric and style

One thing to note about custom curtains is that you want your furniture to be your guide when it comes to a pattern on the curtains. If you have a pattern on your sofa or chairs, you want to choose a solid color for your curtains so they don't clash. If you have a leather couch or a solid fabric for your furniture, choose a pattern for your custom curtains to add some visual interest. This is usually how designers decide on the fabric for curtains.

To decide on a style of curtains, you need to think about more than just what you find attractive. For example, you may love the look of thick drapes with a large swag at the top, but if the room is small then this may be too overpowering. You might instead opt for the drapes but forego the swag. A decorator can help you determine the best style for a room, but if you're on your own in making this decision, be sure you choose something that is to scale and that won't be too overpowering.

2. Measurements

In some cases, the company making your custom curtains may come to your home and take measurements for you, but if you need to measure your windows yourself, be sure you know how to do this. One mistake that just about every homeowner makes when hanging curtains is to install the rod along the top of the window frame, but a curtain rod should actually be placed much higher than the frame. This will draw the eyes up and make the windows seem larger.

It's also good to ensure the curtains can be pushed fully out of the way of the window's width. When measuring the width of the window frame, be sure you allow for the curtains to hang out of the way of the windows completely so they don't block light and air or the view out the window.

For more help in finding the right curtains for you, contact companies like Aussie Curtain Call Interiors.
