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Maintenance Tips for Your Commercial Air Conditioning Unit

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Commercial air conditioners, such as Daikin air conditioning units, are designed to cool the inside of your building, but they should also be an investment that add value to your property and offer longevity. The only way that you will have an air conditioning system that lasts and helps to lower energy bills is if you make sure that your AC unit is properly maintained. It is important that you are aware of the most helpful commercial air conditioner maintenance tips that are designed to allow your AC unit to last longer and run more efficiently.


It is important that you remove debris regularly. This will require you to actually open the fan cage on the exterior condenser. In most cases, you will have to remove screws with a screwdriver in order to take off the top of the cage. The goal is to take the fan grill away from the unit, so that you can properly clean it. You will be able to get access to leaves or other debris that is in the unit and remove them with your gloved hands. A dry vacuum can also be an effective way to get rid of the debris that is within the unit. Once you have the fan lifted, you can then wash the fins on the fan. Do not use a pressure washer on the fins because the stream of water will have too much pressure. It is best to use a normal hose to wash down the fins on the fan.


While you are cleaning the fins of the AC unit, it is also suggested that you straighten them. If the fins are not perfectly straight, it can result in the air flow being reduced. This reduction is airflow is one of the biggest culprits of a decrease in efficiency of your unit. This means that you need to take the time to straighten the fins on your unit with the edge of a putty knife. Just gently use the putty knife to apply pressure to the fins in a way that allows you to return them to their normal position.


It is also important for you to make sure that the unit is level. It is possible for the pad that the AC condenser sits on to settle over time into the soil. It has the potential to alter the position that the entire unit sits in. If the unit is not level, it can result in the unit not functioning properly and can decrease the lifespan of the unit substantially. This means that you should use a level to inspect the condenser regularly.
