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Timber Blinds | 4 Actions To Restore The Original Look Of Your Faded Wooden Blinds

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Timber blinds are classic additions to the windows of any room, representing a traditionally elegant finish with lots of flair. But timber blinds are subject to fading and discolouration thanks to the harsh UV rays of the sun. This guide is designed to help you in your quest to restore the original look of your faded wooden blinds.

Remove Dust And Dirt With Vacuum Cleaner

Your first step is to remove all residual dust and dirt with the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner. You should ideally close the blinds to ensure that they are flat against the wall. This will ensure minimal damage to the surface of your timber blinds while you vacuum them. Cleaning the surface of your wooden blinds will enable the timber polish to adhere better to the surface. Make sure you target the corners and slats judiciously for giving your window blinds a refreshed look.

Apply Wood Cleaner To Remove Stubborn Stains

Stubborn stains on the surface of your wooden blinds can be removed using specialised wood cleaner from a home improvement store. This wood cleaner should be applied directly to the stain with a lint-free cloth. Keep in mind that you will need to rub gently over the stain to avoid damaging the blind slats. A gentle rub will also ensure that the slats remain on the blinds without getting unhooked. Avoid using water and detergent because wood tends to absorb moisture. This excessive moisture can cause the wood to warp.

Apply Wood Polish To The Blinds

You can purchase wood polish easily from your local home improvement store for applying on your timber blinds. Wood polish is ideal for timber restoration because it will enhance and nourish the natural wood grain of your blinds to reduce their faded appearance. You will need to gently apply this polish to the blinds using a soft lint-free cloth. Use a small brush to apply the polish to corners and other hard-to-reach areas on the blinds.

Allow The Wood Polish To Dry Before Operating Again

Make sure you give the wood polish enough time to dry before operating your timber window blinds once again. The drying process will depend on the manufacturer's instructions and the level of ventilation in the room. You should ideally choose a warm and sunny day, while ensuring adequate ventilation in the room for undertaking this timber restoration task.

Undertaking these actionable steps will allow you to restore the original look of your faded and timeworn timber blinds in no time.
